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Friday, 4 May 2012

Zisola is a delightful red wine from Sicily

When you like to eat good food, you usually like to drink good wine. Wine is all about personal preference.  The choice between red or white, new world or old world, spending a lot or a little. The most important of all preferences, is Taste. Do you like it?  Does it have that right mix of grapes, that tastes good to you?
Zizola is one of my favorites, it is an affordable red wine that can be served with a good bowl of pasta or enjoyed by itself.  It tastes great and it is a bottle of wine that I am comfortable giving as a gift. The finger print on the label makes it easy to find at the Liquor store.  Check out their web site

Thanks to everyone who made my day yesterday with a 100% increase in page views. Cheers!

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